Aspen ChartData
Seattle Avionics Software is pleased to provide the FAA-certified, geo-referenced flight data that Aspen Evolution customers need for safe flying.
Seattle Avionics offers each Aspen customer 90 days of free US ChartData updates (enough for three cycles of 28 day updates). After that, annual US subscriptions are available for $329.99. Annual European subscriptions are $747.99.
Each subscription includes FAA-certified geo-referenced IFR and VFR approach plates, airport diagrams, Mins, Arrival Procedures, and Departure Procedures.
Once a subscription is purchased, ChartData is downloaded automatically to your PC via our Data Manager then transfered to an Aspen 16 GB SD card for use in-flight.
Note: A ChartData subscription requires an Aspen 1000 MFD or 500 MFD. Customers must upgrade to version 2.2 (or later) of the Evolution Software to use these charts. This is a free upgrade available from authorized Aspen dealers (dealer installation fees may apply). A complete list of Aspen dealers can be found at See European coverage area details.