EKPV ChartData
Seattle Avionics Software is pleased to provide the geo-referenced approach plates and airport diagrams that your AvMap EKP V needs for safe flying. Each AvMap EKP V customer can get 30 days of updates (one data cycle) for no charge by signing-up for an account below.
US Customers- Annual IFR ChartData subscriptions are available for just $82.99.
- Covers all 50 US states.
- Each IFR ChartData subscription includes geo-referenced approach plates and airport diagrams, Mins, Arrival Procedures, and Departure Procedures.
European Customers - Annual IFR ChartData subscriptions are available for $164.99.
- Covers most European countries.
- Each IFR ChartData subscription includes geo-referenced approach plates, visual approaches, and airport diagrams, Mins, Arrival Procedures, and Departure Procedures (the types of charts available varies by country). See coverage area details.
Once a ChartData subscription is purchased, data is downloaded automatically to your PC via our Data Manager then transfered to your AvMap EKP V.
Purchase now.