most of us, the objective in using flight planning software
is to create a set of in-flight documents with airport information,
weather, etc. Consequently, we put a lot of effort into making
our kneeboard-sized printouts the most useful, easiest-to-follow
in the industry. Take a look at the sample printout (as an Adobe
Acrobat PDF file) or take a
tour (Macromedia Flash) that shows
how you can customize the prints. You have complete control
over exactly what you want to print.
Voyager Premier, you have
almost limitless flexibility in what's printed and can even
include a corporate logo on the cover page and set the page
margins to allow for three and five-ring binders. With
Express, you can still print all the items shown below but
you can't customize it as much.
Sample Flight Plan
format 3.2 MB)