Never Pay for Plates Again!
SmartPlates for
desktop/laptop/Tablet PC: $149
SmartPlates for the
Pocket PC add-on: $49
When you purchase SmartPlates, procedures and diagrams
are always kept current (and legal) automatically through your Internet connection.
For free. Forever.
Purchasing SmartPlates gives you unlimited, forever use
of the current version of the application for your desktop,
laptop or Tablet PC. In fact, our licensing allows a
single purchase to be installed on up to three desktop,
laptop or tablets.
SmartPlates for the Pocket PC is an add-on for the
desktop version that works with your Pocket PC/Windows
Mobile PDA (HP iPaq, Dell Axim, etc.) and a memory card
(required). It's a separate purchase and requires a license for the desktop
version. It may be installed on up to three devices.
As we add features to SmartPlates, we'll introduce new
versions of SmartPlates. These will be available
for a small upgrade fee. |