FlyQ EFB Logo Welcome to FlyQ EFB
Version 4.0.0 (Beta 2)

Build (5/22/2019)
Seattle Avionics Logo
Changes in Beta 2:
  • FIXED: Flight Recorder: Flights often broken into multiple pieces
  • FIXED: Flight Recorder: Pop-up message about continuing a flight is annoying
  • FIXED: Data Manager: Airports may become missing from the nav database
  • FIXED: Data Manager: Very slow to display states
  • FIXED: Data Manager: Large memory spikes may cause a crash
  • FIXED: Data Manager: Memory leak makes it impossible to load all states at once on most devices
  • FIXED: Data Manager: Incorrectly displays A/FD's as expired
  • FIXED: Mapping engine: Maps may appear blurry even if downloaded when using expired data
  • FIXED: Sports TFR text out of date
  • FIXED: Endorsements may disappear until scolled into view
  • FIXED: Search filter ignored after a synch
  • FIXED: Airport tab icon wrong on iPhone
  • FIXED: Action button missing on full-screen Analysis images
  • FIXED: 'Track Image' should not be inserted as default photo comment
  • FIXED: Various problems with Flight Descriptions
  • FIXED: Flight list does not scroll to top when switching betweek Flight Following and My Flights
  • FIXED: Crash with uAvionics ADS-B receivers after firmware update.
  • FIXED: Many other minor issues

Version 4.0 is a massive release. One way to explain the scope of the changes is that the new features added nearly 30 pages to the Pilot's Guide and the old Pilot's Guide was just 150 pages. Please review the new Pilot's Guide. The new features begin on page 106.

What is FlyQ EFB 4.0?
The changes in version 4.0 can best be described as adding a whole new concept of a visual logbook linked to a totally unique, integrated, pilot-only social network. It also has fantastic features for CFIs and their students because of these two other features. That's a lot to consider all at once so let's break those things down:
  1. Visual Logbook:: The visual logbook is a standard pilot logbook that accepts auto-generated entries from the built-in data recorder, manual data entry, or by importing logs from other systems. It shows lists of flights, allows extensive filtering and time period selection, performs detailed post-flight analysis, generates text and graphics-based reports, and lets you "play" flights from within FlyQ EFB or export them to other systems. It also includes a unique visual feature that uses a color-coded "heatmap" to show how often you've flown to each airport.
  2. Squawk Network:: A private, pilots-only network with no cat photos or politics allowed! This network could be thought of as a way to share your logbook with your friends or between CFI's and student pilots. It lets you see, on a map or in a list view, where your friends are flying, ask them questions about the flights, and give them a thumbs up for a great flight. This is completely optional, of course, and you can select whichever privacy level you prefer, including keeping your flights strictly private.
  3. CFI/Student Pilot Features: The Squawk Network makes it easy for CFI's to follow their students' flights. The new Endorsement feature makes it very easy for a CFI to grant endorsements to students from the comfort of their own home or office (due to Squawk) or directly from a student's iPad / iPhone.
Changes in Beta 1:
  • ADDED: Visual Logbook
  • ADDED: "Squawk" Pilot-only, social network
  • ADDED: CFI/Student Pilot Endorsements
Known Issues:
  • The list of airports may be empty or truncated in some unknown circumstances
  • Flights list does not scroll to the top when flipping between Flight Following and My Flights
  • Pop-up keyboard does not behave properly in some cases in Flights/Details/Data
  • Flight added to photos may disappear sometimes
  • Adding or removing Friends is very slow to refresh the Flights list
  • Too many labels for some graphs